Torrenting on Tipi

Let’s say you want to download Sintel, the creative common licensed movie made in Blender from torrents.

There are a couple of options for downloading torrents on your Tipi. We’ll use Transmission for now.

Understanding the folder structure

Tipi mounts folder /media/torrents for transmission to write into. Usually people prefer incomplete downloads to be placed in /media/torrents/incomplete & /media/torrents/complete for complete downloads.


Make sure ~/runtipi/media/torrents is owned by user 1000. For this, ssh into your server and do ls -al ~/runtipi/media and see if the owner is user 1000. If not, run

sudo chown -R 1000 ~/runtipi/media/torrents/

The above should be automated in the install step on Tipi later on, this is temporary.

Setting good defaults

Go to settings in transmission

Set Download to /media/torrents/complete & temporary folder to /media/torrents/incomplete.

This will make sure torrents download to the folders shared with Tipi.

You can later move the file to ~/runtipi/media/data/movies or ~/runtipi/media/data/music using an app like filebrowser.

That’s it! Apps like Jellyfin have access to ~/runtipi/media and you should be able to watch it on your Tipi instance.