One time purchase licenses for software

Initially software was bought and sold in CDs. If you bought a copy of windows 7, you’ll get a windows key along with the CD. And you could use the key along with the CD and you owned the software. No recurring subscriptions etc.. Later on if Windows 8 comes up, you would have to go and get the upgrade.

The reason this is great is because there is one simple predictable pricing structure & clear ownership.

This is fundamentally different from leasing software with subscriptions. Any software without significant recurring cost should IMO offer a single time license. They can always say that the upgrade needs to paid for. But the version of the software you bought is with yours. Even if the company dies.

This is a list of software vendors who support this kind of payment options. They either offer a way for me to buy software and own that version of it or do a lifetime purchase for the service itself.

Note to self: maybe make this a website later on?


Description: Send notifications to your devices with web hooks. Basically hosted ntfy/gotify service.

Plan: One purchase per device/platform priced at 5$ last I checked. Lifetime access. A steal if you ask me.


Description: The Quintessential quick launcher for Mac.

Plan: One purchase per version.


Description: Cross platform social media manager

Plan: One time purchase of 299$ for the pro. lifetime license.