My digital garden workflow

I’ve been searching for long on how to get this right. I think I have simple enough requirements, but have been complicating it without a reason.

Here is what I want

  • WYSIWYG editor for easy writing
  • Drafts
  • Writing on mobile / tab / laptop
  • Light website which loads decently fast
  • Good search

The idea is that, If something comes to mind. Converting it to text & putting it out in the garden should be friction less.

Current setup

WordPress happens to tick all the boxes. Now I run wordpress on a 7$ instance on Digital Ocean.

It has

  • A fantastic editor
  • Support for drafts
  • Insane collection of themes
  • Great app to write & manage the website on the go (WordPress Jetpack)
  • Good search
  • Light website with cloudflare caching