Review – Tipi for self hosting

What it gets right?

  • Install is very smooth
  • auto HTTPs for all public domains using let’s encrypt & traefik
  • local domains for self hosting out of the box
  • great UI for installing and managing apps
  • app level backups on the UI. Really big deal since not a lot of products in this space have it out of the box including CasaOS.

What it does not get right?

  • No UI for automated app backups & No Maintenance window setups for complete server backups


Once I get used to the tool, I lose the advantage of having a fresh eye. Hence documenting observations here if I find anything weird.

  • Uninstall is not obvious. The expectation is to stop the app & then uninstall. Although that makes perfect sense, it would be nice to just have a button for uninstall.
  • tipi.local does not work as advertised. Not sure why too.
    • there was documentation here, did not stumble into it cause it said “Local SSL certs” but I read it as “documentation on enabling https://tipi.local”, not how to setup tipi.local. but anyways, the docs were fantastic and folks over at discord were super helpful. Made it work after following the docs.
  • connecting between services is not intuitive.
    • You just use your IP:port, it would be nice if there was a button to copy the URL from the service on the dashboard
  • mounting volumes is do-able, but no UI
    • nitpick, user-config does exist. But it should be done via code. UI around adding volumes would be really nice.